University of Westminster Press Journals

Active Travel Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Active Travel Studies is a new, peer-reviewed, open-access journal intended to provide a source of authoritative research on walking, cycling and other forms of active travel. In the context of a climate emergency, widespread health problems associated with inactivity, and poor air quality caused in large part by fossil-fuel transport, the journal is relevant and timely. It will perform the critical function of providing practitioners and policy makers with access to current and robust findings on all subjects relevant to active travel.
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Silk Road: A Journal of Eurasian Development
Silk Road focuses on empirical work from scholars working along the Silk Road linking Europe, Central Asia, Russia and China. It publishes evidence based scholarly research in Silk Road social sciences and public policy studies for readers from academic, policy and private sectors.
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Anthropocenes – Human, Inhuman, Posthuman
Our time is known as the Anthropocene. >Anthropocenes – Human, Inhuman, Posthuman has been established to become a leading global interdisciplinary journal at the centre of conceptual debates and practices. Anthropocenes – Human, Inhuman, Posthuman's core contributor base and readership will be in the social sciences, arts and humanities although often social and political thought will be applied to aspects of the natural or ‘hard’ sciences.
The journal is about the invitation to rethink notions such as abstraction, art, architecture, design, governance, ecology, law, politics and discourses of science in the context of human, inhuman and posthuman frameworks.
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Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture
Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (WPCC) wishes to engage international scholars in a critical debate about the relationship between communication, culture and society in the 21st century.
WPCC is a peer-reviewed journal, published online. The interdisciplinary nature of the field of Media and Cultural Studies is reflected in the diverse methods, contexts and themes of the papers published. Areas of interest include – but are not limited to – the history and political economy of the media, popular culture, media users and producers, political communication and developments arising from digital technologies in the context of an increasingly globalized and networked world.
Contributions from both established scholars and those at the beginning of their academic career are equally welcome.
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Entertainment and Sports Law Journal
The Entertainment and Sports Law Journal is a refereed online journal. It is located within a dynamic and rapidly expanding area of legal theory and practice. Whilst focused within legal study, the areas it encompasses are necessarily interdisciplinary. Entertainment Law, Media Law, Sports Law, IP Law, Licensing Law – these are all subjects that are taught at undergraduate and postgraduate level at increasing numbers of Law Schools in the UK and beyond. Areas that are of interest to the Journal include the ways in which the law and regulatory frameworks operate in the following industries: music, sport, film, theatre and literature, art, gaming, the night time economy and the Internet and social media.
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Journal of Deliberative Democracy
The Journal of Deliberative Democracy (formerly the Journal of Public Deliberation) publishes articles that shape the course of scholarship on deliberative democracy. It is the forum for the latest thinking, emerging debates, alternative perspectives, as well as critical views on deliberation. The journal welcomes submissions from all theoretical and methodological traditions. It aims to be the platform to broker knowledge between scholars and practitioners of citizen engagement.
The journal is supported by the newDemocracy Foundation, the Deliberative Democracy Consortium and the International Association for Public Participation. It is hosted at the Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance at the University of Canberra and co-edited by Hans Asenbaum, University of Canberra, Australia, Sonia Bussu, University of Birmingham, Lucy J. Parry, University of Canberra and Hannah Werner, University of Zurich.
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