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  • Cultural China 2021

    The Contemporary China Centre Review

    Séagh Kehoe, Gerda Wielander (eds.)

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    Cultural China is a unique annual publication for up-to-date, informed and accessible commentary about Chinese and Sinophone languages, cultural practices, politics and production, and their critical analysis. It builds on research and perspectives central to the Contemporary China Centre, based at the University of Westminster, and the Contemporary China Centre Blog.

    The chapters in this Review speak to the challenging and eventful year that was 2021 as it unfolded across cultural China. Thematically, they range from health and medicine, environment, food, children and parenting via film, red culture and calls to action. Many of the contributions in this edited collection focus on the People’s Republic of China, but they also draw attention to the multiple Chinese and Sinophone cultural practices that exist within, across and beyond national borders.

    The Review is distinctive in its cultural studies-based approach and contributes a much-needed critical perspective from the humanities to the study of cultural China. It aims to promote interdisciplinary dialogue and debate about the social, cultural, political and historical dynamics that inform life in cultural China today offering academics, activists, practitioners and politicians a key reference with which to situate current events in and relating to cultural China in a wider context.

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    How to cite this book
    Kehoe S. & Wielander G. (eds.) 2022. Cultural China 2021: The Contemporary China Centre Review. London: University of Westminster Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16997/book69
    Kehoe, S. and Wielander, G., 2022. Cultural China 2021: The Contemporary China Centre Review. London: University of Westminster Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16997/book69
    Kehoe, Sand G Wielander. Cultural China 2021: The Contemporary China Centre Review. University of Westminster Press, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16997/book69
    Kehoe, S., & Wielander, G. (2022). Cultural China 2021: The Contemporary China Centre Review. London: University of Westminster Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16997/book69
    Kehoe, Séagh, and Gerda Wielander. 2022. Cultural China 2021: The Contemporary China Centre Review. London: University of Westminster Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16997/book69

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    Published on Dec. 15, 2022





    EPUB 978-1-915445-18-6
    Mobi 978-1-915445-19-3
    Paperback 978-1-915445-20-9
    PDF 978-1-915445-17-9
